Sunday, February 04, 2007

General Bloggin'

I've been neglecting my 'blog and feeling like a right ass about it too. Thing is, I don't know if I have anything really interesting to 'blog about. Then I remembered the golden rule of 'blogging.

"If you don't have anything interesting to say, 'blog it anyway. The ego always needs a good stroke."

So here's what's been happening lately:

My company moved from Waterloo to Cambridge into some fancy new digs. I even got my own office, with four walls, a door,wall to wall carpet, everything a new P. Eng., needs. When I told my friends Jeff and Holly about my new office (so proud I was...) they told me not to let it go to my head. As a result, I am now irrationally paranoid that I'm going to get fired. I've come to accept that feeling of irrational fear of losing my job as a basic part of having a job. Que sera sera...

Just finished watching Season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
God, I love that show. Highly recommended (hint, hint Jenni and Eric). Buffy character I would most love to be: Xander. Buffy character I most likely am: Johnathon (without the murdering and the villany, just the sad, pathetic geekieness).

Another fringgin' good show. Again, highly recommended (hint, hint Jenni and Eric).
VM Character I would most like to be: The Black Guy. VM Character I most likely am: The Black Guy.

O' Constant Readers, look out for upcoming Keeper blogs. Apparently my dog has been typing up a storm lately (which is cool considering he's lacking the opposable thumb... He does just fine with a dew claw, though). I will push "post" on some of his entries soon.

I love that my library has an extensive graphic novels section. Here's some recommendations to my fellow comic lovers (Mr. Jorgenson, this means you!)

Planetery: fun and games in the Wildstorm Multiverse. A very dark vision, but very interesting.
Ultimate Galactus: A tremendously kewl retelling of when Galactus came to destroy the Earth. The Ultimates Marvel Universe is very well written.
Infinite Crisis: I'm not usually that big of a DC fan, but this book (plus recent Marvel gaffes like "House of M") is making me rethink that bias. If it weren't for Joss Whedon's X-Men and the Ultimate Universe of stories, I would think that Marvel has jumped the shark. I'm going to give the new Dark Tower comics book a chance though. Please, oh, please Marvel, don't screw that one up!

WE3: Creepy... just plain creepy...
There's been some interesting movement on starting a TSD program at the YMCA. I've also been taking a Basic Theory course for YMCA fitness instructors. Been also getting a lot of heat from the Self-Defense clinics I have been hosting. 2007 might turn into quite the interesting year. Stay tuned, True Believers!

Thanks for reading folks. 'Blog ya soon!

1 comment:

Wily Jeneric said...

Crap. You're like, the bazillionith person to tell us to watch Buffy and Veronica Mars. Since we're all caught up on our other series (Monk, Entourage, Battlestar Galactica), maybe we'll have to, gulp, do as you say.

Good luck with the Tang Soo Do classes. I keep reminding Eric that when Baby Jeneric is old enough, I want her to start learning some martial arts. Eric is thinking maybe I should enroll in some classes. Sadly, Canada is too far for a typical weeknight.

Looking forward to Keeper's musings. Will he discuss his digestive troubles? Squirrels? The tasty goodness that is Teresa's forbidden yarn?