Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Blog - Chapters 9 to 15


In the Dark Tower Series Stephen King calls it "ka-shume" the feeling of dread that comes when a ka-tet, or group of hero's linked by destiny, begins to break. After sharing many harrowing adventures, after finding a horcrux and liberating a few Muggle-borns, Harry Potter's little ka-tet has reached the breaking point. Things are going from bad to worse.

The thing is Voldemort is not the sole reason things are going so badly in the wizarding world. He's just taking advantage of the general fear and mistrust between wizards and muggles. And who's to blame really? Since The Goblet of Fire Rowling has been steadily highlighting the darkness that pervades the wizarding world. The Harry Potter books started off as a nice escape from our more mundane world, to a place of magic. Since book four, the Harry Potter books have come to reflect our own world more and more. The complexity, the shades of gray, the conflicted morality... I'm just really glad that that these issues are being explored in a supposed "kid's" book.

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