Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Blog Part 1. - Stealing a Ideas from the A.V. Club

I love The Onion A.V. Club (link here)! It's the best place to go to steal ideas for your personal 'blog.

I too will present a live, chapter-by-chapter progress report as I attempt to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, non-stop, starting as soon as I pick up my pre-ordered copy from Chapters.

I will try not to spoil any major revelations, and chances are that my posts will be fraught with spelling mistakes, especially the 3:00 AM blog.
Here are my predictions (based on no prior knowledge or leaked info) for the final installment of the Harry Potter series:
1) Harry's gonna croak. It will be heroic, but he'll be dead just the same.
2) Voldemort's gonna croak too.
3) Snape is not really on Voldemort's side, and will in some part assist in the Dark Lord's downfall, but in the eyes of the wizarding world, he will be forever considered a traitor.
4) Ginny's gonna get kidnapped.
5) Ron and Hermione will live and marry, and raise a bunch of kids (not so much a prediction as a feverant hope).
6) The last chapter will be titled "The Boy Who Died" or something of that nature.
7) Neville still has a major part to play in the tale, and will die in an attempt to destroy Voldemort.
8) Harry's scar is a horcrux.
9) Ron will punch Malfoy in the face! (again, a feverant hope)
10) Remus Lupin is gonna die too.
See you again after midnight.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Wow you are predicting a lot of deaths. So you either think that when JK Rowling said two characters die that actually having 6 characters die is covered. (Like some brain teasers), or you just predict everyone is dying so you can say that you were right.

Also I would like to point out that you are not reading it all in one go since I need to read it this weekend too. and it is more fun when we can discuss it.